product development

Industrialization and global distribution of a perfume dispenser machine

Home » Case studies » Perfume dispenser
Leading multinational in the fashion
and fragrance business
April 2021
24 months


Technology to change the way fragrances are tested

Technology is increasingly flooding all markets, no matter how traditional a business may seem, there is always a way in which technology can improve its performance and a proof of it is this success case.

A multinational in the fashion and fragrances sector wanted to industrialize an innovative dispenser machine containing perfume samples, which the user can spray into the air by selecting some specifications and choices on a purpose-designed display. The scented atmosphere generated offers a truly exclusive experience full of possibilities.

This machine is a reference as IoT device in this sector and is conceived to be installed in perfume selling points like dutty-free stores in airports or specialized perfume shops worldwide.

When the project arrived to DigiProces it already existed a previous first version of the machine, a functional prototype that had already been tested in some airports. But the product needed an evolution. 

Our challenge was to develop a second generation of this machine that could be industrialized so that it could offer a scalable production to distribute this technology in a quick and a totally reliable way to different countries around the world.

One of the main requests were the machine had to be totally configurable and it had to be possible that the maintenance could be done online. On the other hand, each perfume brand needed its specific corporate image to be displayed on the front-end of the machine.

The Challenge

Producing a premium scent device on a large scale

perfume dispenser


Forward-looking procedures for a global project

We have applied state-of-the-art technologies related to connectivity (IoT) to develop the equipment. We have also worked in a back-end project able to facilitate total interaction between front-end developers and the machine.

The scope of the contract with our customer includes the product manufacturing at a global scale, the after sales service and the online support, as well as the development of further new generations of the machine.

Our added value

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