It’s World Environment Day today and at DigiProces we celebrate it as a...
Our deep background in the electronics industry and our focus on technological...
Quality control is a critical priority for us At DigiProces we ensure that...
DigiProces puts all the know-how of the team and our state-of-the-art equipment...
At DigiProces we work with the highest quality standards and both our...
DigiProces incorporates the Technology Center, a powerful R&D department...
We love seeing how the lives and careers of the people who make up our team...
Would you like to know which are the main markets where products manufactured...
Traceability is the basis for the digitalization of our factory From the...
Part of the engineering and production teams of INDIC EMS Electronics Pvt...
The Project Management department at DigiProces ensures that all the necessary...
The DigiProces plant in Barcelona and that of our partner INDIC EMS...