The engineering team at Talgo has visited DigiProces this week to participate in a course about Electromagnetic Compatibility in the railway sector. The DigiProces Lab Services team hosted these sessions, which were aimed to provide Talgo with the fundamentals of EMC applied to train regulations, clearing up the specific tests to be performed on trains, particularly in the field of interoperability.
Talgo has been able to view our laboratory and our equipment and get nourished with our know-how in interoperability tests, as well as those related to axle counters and track circuits. But we have also applied the theory into practical solutions, explaining how lab essays are transferred to tests on real trains.
Bearing in mind that not all the participants were electronic engineers, we have clearly described and demonstrated the instruments required for the essays, the process how these tests are performed and how to interpret the points of the regulations that remain open. In this way, the team will be able now to confidently face the development and validation of future homologation tests in their trains.
This was one of the specialized courses offered by DigiProces Lab Services, which is open to provide specific EMC training to teams needing it. The sessions with Talgo have been a truly interactive experience. Not only has information been presented, but we have also shared and discussed expertise, practical examples and concerns of this industry.
We would like to thank the entire Talgo engineering team for their trust in DigiProces and also the special collaboration of the EMC experts Francesc Daura and Wavecontrol, one of the leading manufacturers worldwide of measuring instruments for electromagnetic fields from the human exposure to RF fields point of view. It’s been a great week with all of you!
#EMC #LabServices #Railway
Solsonès, 87 – P. I. Pla de la Bruguera
08211 Castellar del Vallès. Barcelona