Relying on the integration of an EMS engineering services into the entire product lifecycle is a strong competitive advantage in the development process. The higher efficiency that comes from working with all areas under the same roof promotes a smoother process, and the manufacturing know-how minimizes errors while speeding up production.
By contrast, contracting out the different aspects of product design and manufacturing to third-party agents slows down the process and increases the risk of complications, opening up the possibility of reaching the market when it is too late and it is saturated or the opportunity has already passed.
Partnering with DigiProces from the beginning ensures an easy design-build project development that in the end means a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) throughout the design and manufacturing process of your electronic products.
Know more on our services for your #ProductLifeCycle.
Solsonès, 87 – P. I. Pla de la Bruguera
08211 Castellar del Vallès. Barcelona