New Product Introduction

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Our process to bring a prototype to a reproducible product

The New Product Introduction (NPI) process is the step between both design and manufacturing worlds. After some trial production rounds to optimize the manufacturing process, the NPI stage ends with a first working prototype becoming a reproducible final product. Our engineers will manage the walk through the NPI stage with an accurate project management.

A design that has been conceived without the manufacturing process in mind can be very difficult to handle in the shop floor.
During the NPI process our engineers will cooperate closely with the factory operators to ensure a fast diagnosis and a quick response to the production problems arisen.

We typically use 3 trial production iterations within the NPI step. After each one the process engineers can be progressively pulled out from the production line, meaning that the prototype will be closer to become a reproducible final product.

For an effective NPI Process:

Flying Probe Test

Flying Probe test Quick and effective validation for small series and prototypes Precision needles f...



To be confident that products at DigiProces are manufactured in a less costly, error-proof manner wi...


Project Management

Project Management The key for a smooth move from design to manufacturing The NPI process requires a...

NPI Process

DFM (Design For Manufacturing) analysis prior to manufacturing process can make the NPI stage easier, because issues that can affect manufacturability, cost and schedule, can be fixed.

NPI Round 1 50-100 units NPI Round 2 50-100 units NPI Round 3 500 -1000 units Data Input DME DFx Panel Definition Data Out Process Definition Tool Test Focus on Process Tools Focus on Increase Yield Focus on Monitor Yield Product Redesign

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